Saturday, May 19, 2012

Team Building Activity: House of Cards

In this team building activity you'll help people work together effectively and think about their roles. Divide your group into teams of three to five people and give each a deck of cards. Allow them fifteen minutes to build whatever they want as long as it's something that will benefit their workplace. When they're done, ask each group to describe what they built and how it benefits the workplace. Then ask the entire group the following questions and allow people to answer as they see fit:
  • What was each person's role?
  • What was the comfort level of each person with his or her role?
  • How did you make decisions?
  • How did you assign construction duties?
  • Who ran the group?
  • What worked in the group? 
  • What needed some fine-tuning?
  • How might their group dynamic be applied in the workplace?
  • How is this activity about team building?
When people process these questions they'll think about their own roles and what needs to happen to build an effective team.

Take care,

Team Building


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